TIR Library Newsletter: Our Book Recommendation
December 20, 2024
TIR Library Newsletter: Our Book Recommendation
In its fourth library newsletter of 2024, the Foundation for the Animal in the Law (TIR) again presents selected new additions, such as books, articles and films on animal-related topics. The current issue focuses on the publication ‘We Animals - A New History of Humanity’, which provides a fascinating insight into the lives of the most resourceful, aggressive and at the same time most contradictory animals, namely humans.

TIR calls for a ban on animal transports to high-risk animal welfare countries
December 16, 2024
Time and again, horrific images of unsustainable conditions during international animal transports reach the public. Most recently, 69 heavily pregnant cattle from Germany died or were senselessly killed at the Turkish border in unimaginable agony, for bureaucratic reasons. The Foundation for the Animal in the Law (TIR) draws attention to the urgent need to revise the EU regulations on animal transport.

TIR explains the legal and practical reality of Swiss pig farming
November 18, 2024
Agricultural organisations frequently refer to the strict Swiss animal welfare laws. State-subsidised advertising of happy animals is intended to stimulate the desire for meat and counteract any guilty conscience. The Foundation for the Animal in the Law (TIR) is deeply concerned about the legal basis and enforcement in Switzerland - and paints a completely different picture to that of advertising and the industry.

TIR gives a talk at Animal Rights Conference in Albania
October 22, 2024
At the beginning of October, the Foundation for the Animal in the Law (TIR) gave specialist presentations for law enforcement and veterinary authorities at the conference ‘Advancing Animal Rights in Albania - Inter-Institutional Cooperation and Swiss Expertise’ in Tirana. The core topic of the event organised by Animals Need Me was more consistent enforcement of animal protection law in Albania. The conference was a great success from the point of view of the initiators and participants.

Moby donates tour proceeds to animal rights organisations
October 1, 2024
After more than a decade, the world-famous musician and animal rights activist Moby has returned to the stage. He is donating all the proceeds from his European tour to animal rights organisations. The Foundation for the Animal in the Law (TIR) is delighted to have also been considered.

TIR gives a talk at the Animal Rights Law Summer School in Antwerp
August 28, 2024
Last week, the Animal Law, Rights and Representation Summer School took place at the University of Antwerp. Students from many different countries assembled to discuss various issues in the field of animal rights law. TIR Managing Director Gieri Bolliger was also present at the event as a speaker.

Joyce Tischler and Kim Stallwood visit TIR
August 19, 2024
On 13 August 2024, Joyce Tischler, also known in America as the mother of animal welfare law, and Kim Stallwood, British animal rights activist and long-time advisor and friend of the Foundation for the Animal in the Law (TIR), paid us a visit. During their stay, they shared the most important moments from their many years of animal welfare work at a get-together with interested parties.

Internship in Animal Welfare Law at TIR
July 5, 2024
TIR offers students and university graduates the opportunity to gain initial experience in the field of animal welfare law as part of a short internship and gain an insight into everyday working life at TIR. A three-month internship has also been offered since 2023.

Consultation on fur import ban and declaration requirements for animal products - TIR and three further organisations submit joint statement
July 3, 2024
Last April, the Federal Department of Home Affairs (FDHA) launched the consultation on the revision of several animal welfare-related ordinances. The planned amendments aim to introduce a ban on the import of fur products produced in a cruel manner, and a declaration requirement for foie gras products and certain animal products obtained abroad using painful procedures without anaesthesia. Zurich Animal Protection, Vier Pfoten, Swiss Animal Protection STS and the Foundation for the Animal in the Law (TIR) have submitted a joint statement in which they comment in detail on the planned amendments to the ordinance.

Swiss animal welfare law: not as good as Swiss chocolate
July 1, 2024
The second library newsletter of 2024, the Foundation for the Animal in the Law (TIR) once again presents selected new additions. Books, articles and films on animal-related topics are listed. The current issue focuses on the book "Wasps - A Reconciliation", which offers fascinating insights into the life of wasps and highlights their remarkable behaviour and abilities as well as their usefulness to the ecosystem.

Fire safety measures could save lives - a chronology of efforts to protect farm animals from TIR’s perspective
May 17, 2024
Animals regularly die a horrible death as a result of fires on livestock farms. Hundreds of animals bred and kept for human consumption are affected every year, last year even around 1000. The risks have long been recognised, but there are still no effective guidelines for preventive measures that could save lives. The Foundation for Animals in the Law (TIR), together with seven other organisations, is once again drawing the attention of the federal government to its responsibility in an open letter.

Swiss animal welfare law: not as good as Swiss chocolate
April 1, 2024
In its new awareness-raising campaign, the Foundation for the Animal in the Law (TIR) criticises Swiss animal welfare law. This is generally considered exemplary, but allows serious abuses in the treatment of animals. Chocolate animals are used to depict the suffering that lies behind the elegant packaging. The campaign was once again realised by the renowned creative agency Ruf Lanz.

TIR presents Swiss premiere of "Food for Profit"
March 26, 2024
On 21 March 2024, the Swiss premiere of "Food for Profit", presented by the Foundation for the Animal in the Law (TIR), took place at the sold-out Frame cinema in Zurich. The documentary film by Giulia Innocenzi and Pablo D'Ambrosi impressively discloses the interrelations between the dairy and meat industries, lobbying and political power in Europe. TIR looks back on an impressive, memorable evening and would like to thank Giulia Innocenzi and the 200 invited guests.

TIR Library Newsletter: Our Book Recommendation
March 21, 2024
In its first library newsletter of 2024, the Foundation for the Animal in the Law (TIR) once again presents selected new additions. Featured are books, articles, and film contributions on topics relevant to animals. The current issue focuses on the book "Veganomics - The vegan revolution and its future markets", which shows us solution-oriented ways out of intensive livestock farming and towards building a plant-based society.

TIR welcomes research visit from Yale
March 1, 2024
Convinced that the scientific examination of the human-animal relationship is of fundamental importance for the further development of animal protection law, the Foundation for the Animal in the Law (TIR) is constantly expanding its extensive library and historical archive. This unique collection is increasingly being used by researchers from Switzerland and abroad - currently, for example, by Ilaria Cimadori, working on her doctoral dissertation at Yale University (USA).

Lack of fire protection measures on livestock farming - TIR calls for clear legal provisions
February 7, 2024
Fires on livestock farms are not uncommon and often result in a shockingly high number of animal fatalities. The reason is to be found in the lack of specific, expressly prescribed preventive obligations that every livestock owner must fulfil. In order to protect these tragic barn fires in the future, TIR is campaigning for specific fire protection measures to be enshrined in the Animal Welfare Ordinance.

TIR Library Newsletter: Our Book Recommendation
In the fourth library newsletter of 2023, the Foundation for the Animal in the Law (TIR) once again highlights selected new additions and presents books, articles and films on animal-related topics. The focus of the current issue is the book "Disreputable Animals - A Bestiary of Human Fears", which takes us into the depths of the human psyche.

TIR Library Newsletter: Our Book Recommendation
In the third library newsletter of 2023, the Foundation for the Animal in the Law (TIR) once again presents selected new additions. Books, articles and films on animal-related topics are presented. The current issue focuses on the book "Thing: Inside the Struggle for Animal Personhood", which takes an unconventional approach to highlighting efforts to recognise the fundamental rights of non-human animals.

TIR gives a talk at the Canadian Animal Law Conference
October 19, 2023
From 30 September to 1 October, the annual Canadian Animal Law Conference was held in Toronto. In the course of more than 60 lectures and panel discussions, animal protection law experts exchanged views on how the situation of animals can be improved by legal means. The Foundation for the Animal in the Law (TIR) was also represented at the event with a presentation.

TIR speaks at Animal Ethics Summer School in Oxford
August 23, 2023
Around 150 participants from all over the world met at the Centre for Animal Ethics Summer School in Oxford at the beginning of August. The four-day event was entitled "Animals and the Media: Communicating Ethical Perspectives on Animals". The Foundation for the Animal in the Law (TIR) was represented at the conference with its own delegation and gave a presentation on its public awareness campaigns.

South Korean delegation visits TIR
July 25, 2023
In July, the Foundation for the Animal in the Law (TIR) welcomed a delegation of official government representatives from the Republic of Korea. The main topics of discussion were the formulation of animal protection law in Switzerland and the corresponding enforcement. Other topics included political animal protection work, training obligations for animal keepers and TIR's awareness-raising campaigns. read more

TIR Library Newsletter: Our Book Recommendation
July 21, 2023
The Foundation for the Animal in the Law (TIR) again presents selected new acquisitions in its second library newsletter of 2023. Books, articles and films on animal-related topics are presented. The current issue focuses on the book "Anders satt - Wie der Ausstieg aus der Tierindustrie gelingt", which proposes a comprehensive transformation of our food system and shows solution-oriented ways to achieve this.

Animal rights deserve as much attention as Donald Trump
July 12, 2023
A powerful image says more than a thousand words - and combined with a dash of humour, it can have an even greater impact. With a new subject by the creative agency Ruf Lanz, the Foundation for the Animal in the Law (TIR) wants to raise awareness that animal rights receive far too little social, media and political attention.

TIR speaks at training conference for law enforcement and veterinary authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina
June 20, 2023
In May, the Stiftung für das Tier im Recht (Foundation for the Animal in the Law; TIR) was invited to conduct a training session for law enforcement and veterinary authorities in Sarajevo. The core topic of the conference hosted by Animal Friends Bosnia was the investigation and sanctioning of animal welfare crimes. The event was a success, and we look forward to strengthening our cooperation with Animal Friends Bosnia.

TIR Library Newsletter: Our Book Recommendation
April 18, 2023
In its first library newsletter of 2023, the Foundation for the Animal in the Law (TIR) once again presents selected new acquisitions, such as books, articles and films on animal-related topics. The current issue focuses on the book "Tierschutz und Tierrechte im Königreich Württemberg" (Animal Protection and Animal Rights in the Kingdom of Württemberg), which shows the origins of the animal protection movement in German-speaking countries and explores the question of animal rights and the duties humans have towards animals.

TIR delighted: Federal Council has ambitions to ban the import of fur produced under conditions of animal cruelty
April 14, 2023
Last week the Federal Council announced its intention to examine an import ban on fur products produced in a cruel manner. The Federal Department of Home Affairs (FDHA) was instructed to prepare a corresponding consultation draft by the end of March 2024. The Stiftung für das Tier im Recht (TIR; Foundation for the Animal in the Law) has been campaigning for such an import ban for many years and therefore welcomes the Federal Council's decision.

New reference work on the balancing of interests in animal experiments
November 16, 2022
The Stiftung für das Tier im Recht (TIR; Foundation for the Animal in the Law) is pleased to announce the latest publication in its book series "Schriften zum Tier im Recht" ("Writings on the Animal in the Law"). The outstanding doctoral thesis by Dr. iur. Vanessa Gerritsen, published as volume 23, is comprehensively dedicated to animal experimentation law.

TIR Library Newsletter: Our Book Recommendation
October 7, 2022
In its third library newsletter of 2022, the Stiftung für das Tier im Recht (TIR) again presents new additions to its library collection, including books, articles, and films on animal-related topics. The current issue focuses on the book "The Snow Leopard" by Sylvain Tesson, which addresses the search for the snow leopard and the planet’s destruction by humans. At the same time, the book explores how we can escape the hectic pace of our daily lives. read more

Council of States says no to a ban on imports of fur and hunting trophies: an incredibly sad day for TIR and animal welfare
May 30, 2022
Once again, the Council of States has rejected long overdue animal welfare reforms after a promising political process. Yet again, the small chamber demonstrated its indifference to protecting the weakest members of society, while consistently favoring economic goals. The Stiftung für das Tier im Recht (Foundation for the Animal in the Law; TIR) draws a bleak conclusion for the protection of animals.

TIR speaks at training conference for law enforcement agencies in Kosovo
May 27, 2022
Last week, the Stiftung für das Tier im Recht (Foundation for the Animal in the Law; TIR) had the privilege of leading a training session for law enforcement agencies in Pristina on the investigation and prosecution of animal welfare crimes. TIR was invited by StrayCoCo Foundation - Help for Street Dogs and Animal Rights Foundation Kosovo. The successful cooperation with both organizations will be further intensified.

TIR is pleased to announce the launch of the international Animal Libraries Network - animal-libraries.org
April 8, 2022
The Stiftung für das Tier im Recht (Foundation for the Animal in the Law; TIR) manages the Animal Libraries Network (animal-libraries.org) and, together with six other libraries and archives currently participating in the network, offers access to specialized literature relevant to animals and nature. It is intended as a tool for all interested parties, researchers as well as media professionals and as a working and communication tool for the animal libraries themselves.

Kim Stallwood visits TIR: Center of excellence for the advancement of animal welfare law enters a new era
March 21, 2022
The Stiftung für das Tier im Recht (Foundation for the Animal in the Law; TIR) is the center of excellence for the advancement of animal welfare law in Switzerland. Its mission is to work towards the continuous improvement of the human-animal relationship in law, ethics, and society. The partnership with the renowned British author and animal rights activist Kim Stallwood is another milestone TIR hopes to use as a means of bundling and internationalizing its objectives. Pictured: Kim Stallwood with TIR Executive Director Gieri Bolliger, Vanessa Gerritsen and Librarian Moena Zeller in the TIR library.

Entry requirements for refugees with companion animals fleeing Ukraine
March 9, 2022
Many seeking protection are currently fleeing the war zone, some of them accompanied by their companion animals. Crossing the border into the EU and Switzerland can be problematic: Ukraine is considered an unlisted third country regarding rabies, resulting in stricter entry requirements for companion animals. On top of the fear and suffering the people are subjected to, they are also faced with the threat of having to leave behind their beloved animals.

TIR Library Newsletter: 2022 Book Recommendation
February 25, 2022
With its first library newsletter of the year, Tier im Recht (TIR; Foundation for the Animal in the Law) presents a selection of recent additions to the TIR library, including books, articles, and movies on topics related to animals. The current newsletter focuses on the history of algae, their benefits for humans, and their high efficacy in reducing CO2 emissions.

Update on TIR campaign to ban the import of hunting trophies
February 8, 2022
Following the National Council's adoption of the proposal, TIR hopes the Council of States too will approve the ban on the import of hunting trophies. Tier im Recht (TIR; Foundation for the Animal in the Law) has supported this issue, which is important from both an animal welfare and species protection point of view, by collecting signatures for an open letter to the Council of States since late last year and by recently printing a flyer on the topic.

TIR supports the people’s initiative “Basic Rights for Primates” in the canton of Basel-Stadt
January 24, 2022
On February 13, 2022, the popular initiative “Basic Rights for Primates” launched by the animal welfare organization Sentience will be voted on in Basel-Stadt. Tier im Recht (TIR; Foundation for the Animal in the Law) supports the initiative since it provides an impetus for the actual protection of the dignity of our closest relatives. The support of the cantonal people’s initiative is in line with TIR's efforts for a continuous improvement of the relationship between humans and animals.

TIR thrilled that National Council supports import ban for fur products derived from animal cruelty
December 14, 2021
At yesterday's National Council meeting, Matthias Aebischer's (SP/BE) motion for an import ban on fur derived from animal cruelty was passed by a large majority. The Stiftung für das Tier im Recht (TIR) was involved in drafting the proposal and has joined other organizations in support of a campaign to promote it. TIR hopes that the Council of States will follow suit and adopt the proposal as well.

November 4, 2021
With this year's fourth newsletter edition, the library of the Stiftung für das Tier im Recht (Foundation for the Animal in the Law; TIR) once again presents selected and current new acquisitions. Books, articles, and films on animal-related topics will be explored in more detail. The special reading tip is about food waste, the resulting environmental degradation, and loss of biodiversity.

On the trail of dubious puppy trading
October 29, 2021
Trading young pedigree animals of all kinds is flourishing. During the corona year 2020, particularly the demand for dogs from abroad increased dramatically. Numerous breeders and traders are involved. They want to make lucrative profits by means of methods that are questionable, partly criminal and that virtually always violate animal welfare. Together with the animal welfare organization FOUR PAWS, Tier im Recht (TIR; Foundation for the Animal in the Law) has dedicated itself intensively in recent months to the legal and practical challenges of curbing the puppy trade.

Stiftung für das Tier im Recht (TIR) announces international partnership with renowned British animal rights activist, author, and scholar Kim Stallwood
October 20, 2021
The Stiftung für das Tier im Recht (Foundation for the Animal in the Law; TIR) is the center of excellence for the development of animal law in Switzerland. An independent nonprofit organization founded in 1996, TIR’s achievements include the detachment of animals from their previous status as insensitive things and the increasing respect for animal dignity recognized by the Swiss constitution in all areas of law. TIR’s mission is to work for the continuous improvement of human-animal relations in a legal, ethical, and social sense.

TIR is pleased: Berne bans underground hunting
September 15, 2021
Last Monday, the Grand Council of Berne to ban underground hunting. This makes Berne the third canton to prohibit this cruel practice. The Stiftung für das Tier im Recht (TIR; Foundation for the Animal in the Law), which has been campaigning against underground hunting for a long time, is very pleased about the decision of the Bernese Parliament.

New TIR brochure: Stop indiscriminate funding of animal experiments!
September 10, 2021
According to the Swiss Animal Welfare Act, animal experiments are only permissible if they are indispensable and if the anticipated gain in knowledge outweigh the stress on the animals in the context of a balance of interests. However, these legal requirements are not adequately considered by the current system of licensing and research funding. A suitable measure to counteract this deficiency would be to introduce a systematic review of the benefits of animal experiments, as Tier im Recht (TIR; Foundation for the Animal in the Law) explains in its brochure.

TIR asks for consideration of animals during national holiday
July 30, 2021
After most celebrations on the 2020 national holiday were cancelled due to corona, many are looking forward to resuming the traditional August 1 celebrations this year. However, fireworks can be terrifying and highly stressful for companion animals, farm animals, and wildlife. Tier im Recht (TIR; Foundation for the Animal in the Law) therefore asks for consideration.

TIR-Library Newsletter: Our Book Recommendation
July 16, 2021
With this year's third issue of its newsletter, the library of the Stiftung für das Tier im Recht (Foundation for the Animal in the Law; TIR) once again presents selected and current new acquisitions. Books, articles, and films on animal-related topics will be highlighted in this issue. Our special book recommendation addresses the exploitation of animals in the fashion industry, its devastating ecological effects, and our contradictory relationship with animals.

TIR supports “Ban Live Exports” campaign
June 14, 2021
On the worldwide “Ban Live Export” day, animal welfare organizations from all over the world are raising awareness for the enormous suffering of farm animals on long-distance transports. Tier im Recht (TIR; Foundation for the Animal in the Law) also supports the call for an end to long international transports of live animals. Animal transports that were stuck because of Corona-related border closures as well as the emergency slaughter or disposal of thousands of calves left to wait on two ships for months without care in the spring of 2021 in Spain are another reminder of the urgent need to ban such transports.

TIR considers Federal Council’s counter-proposal to the factory farming initiative inadequate
May 21, 2021
In its report on the recently concluded counter-proposal to the popular initiative “Abolishing factory farming in Switzerland (factory farming initiative)”, the Federal Council acknowledges the need for action in Swiss livestock farming and offers the prospect of improvements in the animal welfare legislation. At the same time, however, the proposal ignores central concerns of the initiative and thus proves both toothless and insufficient. Therefore, the Stiftung für das Tier im Recht (TIR; Foundation for the Animal in the Law) does not consider the counter-proposal to be an adequate alternative to the initiative.

Illegal dog training aids
May 10, 2021
A dog must have a balanced character and be well socialized. It must also not be aggressive towards humans or other animals and must not endanger them. In this context the question often arises as to what type of aids are permissible for breeding and training purposes, especially because certain devices are legally sold while their use is prohibited in Switzerland.

Egg consumption reaches new high – animal welfare lags behind
April 2, 2021
According to surveys by the Federal Office for Agriculture (FOAG), the number of eggs produced and consumed has never been higher than in 2020. This is highly problematic in terms of animal welfare dignity: Not only are the chickens subjected to maximum performance levels for this, but they are also killed after a very short time. In addition, it is still common practice to kill the male chicks in the egg industry with gas.

Illegal training aids in dog training series “Canine Intervention”
March 26, 2021
Dog training on TV is proving highly popular. The streaming giant Netflix is now following this trend and has released a new series with dog trainer Jas Leverette. TIR is critical of the new series and strongly advises against replicating its content. Some of the training methods in the have been banned in Switzerland.

TIR is disappointed: Grand Council of the canton of Berne rejects mandatory spaying and neutering of outdoor cats
March 24, 2021
With 88 to 55 votes, the Grand Council rejected the introduction of an obligation to spay and neuter outdoor cats in the canton of Berne at its meeting on March 18, 2021. The corresponding postulate was submitted by Councilor David Stampfli (SP) almost a year ago. TIR is disappointed about the decision of the Bernese cantonal parliament but will nonetheless continue to advocate at the national and cantonal level for mandatory spaying and neutering of outdoor cats.

TIR files criminal complaint: animal welfare law also applies to fish!
March 4, 2021
Fish are sentient animals protected by animal welfare legislation. Yet, problematic, and sometimes cruel ways of treating them are not uncommon. Obvious animal cruelties are often not recognized or played down. In a documented case, Tier im Recht (TIR; Foundation for the Animal in the Law) has now filed charges for improper handling of a trout.

Hands off wildlife attractions! – TIR launches new campaign to raise awareness on wildlife tourism “Wild animals suffer from constantly being touched by tourists.”
January 11, 2021
With its latest campaign, the Stiftung für das Tier im Recht (TIR; Foundation for the Animal in the Law) aims to draw attention to the extreme suffering of animals caused by tourist attractions with wildlife. The expressive images were designed by the renowned creative agency Ruf Lanz, with whom TIR has been successfully collaborating for many years.
News 2020

TIR is happy to announce the appointment of Gieri Bolliger as a Fellow of the Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics
December 7, 2020
TIR executive director Dr. Gieri Bolliger was appointed as a Fellow of the renowned Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics in December 2020. The Oxford Centre is an independent institute dedicated to improving the ethical status of animals through research and education. Since 2006 it has been promoting animal welfare through academic studies and public discourse. The Oxford Centre also co-edits the Journal of Animal Ethics (JAE) with the University of Illinois and has its own animal ethics series with Palgrave MacMillan.

TIR disappointed: National Council rejects mandatory neutering for outdoor cats
November 11, 2020
In November 2018, National Councillor Doris Fiala (FDP/ZH) submitted a motion in parliament for an obligation to castrate outdoor cats in order to support a petition by the animal protection organizations Network for Animal Protection NetAP and Stiftung für das Tier im Recht (TIR; Foundation for the Animal in the Law). At the end of October, the National Council decided not to follow this motion after the parliament had already rejected the joint petition of NetAP and TIR last year.

Newsletter TIR Library: TIR presents reading tip of the month
October 19, 2020
With this year's third issue of the newsletter, the library of the Stiftung Tier im Recht (TIR; Foundation for the Animal in the Law) presents selected and current new additions. We take a closer look at books, articles and film contributions on animal-relevant topics. This month's tip is about traditions of human eating behavior, their evolutionary significance, the biospheric effects of meat consumption, and the question of whether a meat-free diet could be the future.

TIR Library Newsletter: Book Tip of the Month
July 6, 2020
The library of the Stiftung für das Tier im Recht (TIR; Foundation for the Animal in the Law) introduces selected and current new additions in this year's second edition of its newsletter. Books, articles, and film features on animal-related topics will be discussed in detail. Our Tip of the Month is about justice, compassion, and coping strategies of British author, animal rights specialist and advocate for animals and animal rights Kim Stallwood.

TIR analyzes the Federal Council’s rejection of video surveillance in slaughterhouses
May 18, 2020
After an investigation by the Federal Food Chain Unit (FFCU) identified severe violations in slaughterhouses, Daniel Jositsch (SP/ZH), member of the Council of States, and Meret Schneider (GPS/ZH), member of the National Council, are now demanding an independent control of the slaughter process. However, the Federal Council has rejected the introduction of video surveillance in slaughterhouses. The Stiftung für das Tier im Recht (TIR) gives its opinion.
News 2019

TIR pleased: Matthias Aebischer launches proposal to ban import of fur products from animals that have been subject to animal cruelty
December 22, 2019
On December 12, National Councilor Matthias Aebischer (SP/BE) submitted a motion to ban the import of fur products from animals that have been subject to animal cruelty. Stiftung für das Tier im Recht (TIR; Foundation for the Animal in the Law) has been advocating for an import ban for years and now hopes that the proposal will be approved by the parliament.

TIR submits legal statement on amendment to the Federal Act on the International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
November 22, 2019
In August, the Federal Department of Home Affairs (FDHA) opened a consultation on the amendment to the Federal Act on the International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (BGCITES). In its legal statement, the Stiftung für das Tier im Recht (TIR) welcomes the intended tightening of sanctions and introduces additional amendments. In addition, we advocate greater consideration of animal welfare interests within the framework of species protection legislation.

TIR attends 18th CITES Conference of the Parties in Geneva
September 2, 2019
From August 17 to August 28, 2019, the 18th CITES Conference of the Parties was held in Geneva. For twelve days the Parties discussed the implementation and amendment of the Convention. Overall, TIR offers a positive summary of the conference: for many species already listed in CITES the protection has been increased, other species - such as giraffes - have been added to the CITES Appendices.

Ban wild animal in circuses: Animal welfare organizations launch second campaign image
June 6, 2019
Today, VIER PFOTEN, ProTier, and the Stiftung für das Tier im Recht (TIR) launched their current awareness raising campaign against wild animals in circuses in the French-speaking part of Switzerland. The ban is absolutely necessary for animal welfare reasons. For one, it is hardly possible to provide the animals with species-appropriate housing conditions. But presenting wild animals in the circus ring is also oftentimes in violation of the constitutional principle of animal dignity protection. Nevertheless, unlike many other countries, Switzerland still allows wild animals in circuses.

TIR pleased over Basel vote against "Ozeanium"
May 20, 2019
Basel's citizens made their choice clear with 54.56% of the votes against the construction of a large marine aquarium. Prior to the vote, the Stiftung für das Tier im Recht (TIR) had warned against the aquarium for reasons of animal welfare and species conservation and is very pleased with the outcome.

TIR excited about the opening of the Cambridge Centre for Animal Rights Law
May 6, 2019
The Centre for Animal Rights Law was inaugurated in Cambridge with an opening conference on "Animal Rights Law: Present and Future". Leading animal rights experts from around the world discussed new approaches to the question of how and to what extent animals should be granted rights in the future. The Stiftung für das Tier im Recht (TIR) was also represented at the event.

TIR calendar 2019 – April question on animal welfare law
April 15, 2019
The TIR calendar is quite popular because it not only contains wonderful animal photos but also answers a monthly question regarding the human-animal relationship. April is dedicated to the question "How does the Animal Welfare Act (AWA) regulate cat ownership?".

Criminal complaint against slaughterhouse in Avenches: TIR disappointed at excessively lenient sentence
April 4, 2019
In the fall of 2018, the Stiftung für das Tier im Recht (TIR) filed a criminal complaint against the slaughterhouses of Avenches and Moudon based on video material provided by the animal rights organization "Pour l'Egalité d'Animale (PEA)". In the Avenches case, the public prosecutor's office of Vaud has now sentenced a slaughterhouse employee to a fine of 250 Swiss francs. TIR is disappointed to hear that the sentence was so lenient and criticizes the law enforcement authorities for failing to adequately apply the animal welfare-related penal provisions.

Cantons impose mandatory use of leashes during the breeding season
March 29, 2019
Many native animal species breed in spring. In some cantons, dog owners are therefore required to keep their dogs on a leash in forests. The Stiftung für das Tier im Recht (TIR) urges dog owners to make sure that their dogs do not disturb or hunt wildlife, regardless of the regulation in their respective canton.

It's Poultry Day and TIR would like to take this occasion to shed light on the insufficient legal protection for chickens
March 19, 2019
Around 65 million chickens are reared and slaughtered in Switzerland each year. In addition, according to official estimates, more than 1.5 billion eggs were consumed in Switzerland in 2018, setting a new record. Despite this horrendous figure, the conditions in which the animals are kept and killed hardly ever get any public attention. Animals in the poultry and egg industry are subjected to extremely harsh living conditions. Sadly, the authorities responsible for the enforcement of the animal welfare legislation still fail to give chickens the required level of attention.

TIR and its partners launch new campaign "Ban Wild Animals in Circuses"
March 5, 2019
In circuses, the wellbeing and dignity of animals, which are both legally protected in Switzerland, are seriously impaired solely for the purpose of entertainment. It is high time for all circuses to adopt a modern approach to entertainment and drop wild animals in their shows. The new campaign by Vier Pfoten, the Stiftung für das Tier im Recht (TIR), and ProTier underpin the call for a statutory ban on wild animals in circuses.

TIR disappointed: Federal Council recommends rejection of Doris Fiala's parliamentary proposal to impose mandatory neutering of outdoor cats
Februar 22, 2019
In June 2018, the animal welfare organizations Network for Animal Protection – NetAP and the Stiftung für das Tier im Recht (TIR) submitted a petition calling for the introduction of mandatory neutering of outdoor cats with 115'000 signatures to parliament. In support of the request, National Council member Doris Fiala (FDP/ZH) presented a parliamentary proposal to impose mandatory neutering of outdoor cats on November 29, 2018. However, in its statement of February 20, the Federal Council recommended rejection of the proposal. TIR is disappointed with the position taken by the Federal Council and criticizes its statement.

TIR pleased with outcome of Zurich's voting results: electorate rejects proposed amendment to cantonal dog law
February 11, 2019
lmost 70% of Zurich's voters rejected an amendment to the cantonal dog legislation, which would have resulted in the abolition of compulsory training courses for dog owners. The Zürcher Tierschutz (Zurich Aimal Welfare Association) and the Stiftung für das Tier im Recht (TIR) are in favor of compulsory training and recommended rejection of the amendment prior to the vote. The training courses serve not only to protect humans but also to ensure the wellbeing of dogs.

CITES publishes proposals for CoP18
January 18, 2019
On January 4, 2019, the CITES Secretariat published 57 proposals to amend the list of species subject to CITES regulations submitted by the CITES member states. The Stiftung für das Tier im Recht (TIR) keeps track of the activities of the CITES bodies and promotes the best possible protection for all animals.

No animal takes pleasure in suffering! – TIR launches new campaign against animal cruelty
January 7, 2019
Animal welfare calls for unique ideas when it comes to raising public awareness for animal cruelty. The Stiftung für das Tier im Recht (TIR) has therefore once again chosen to work with renowned advertising agency Ruf Lanz. Featuring animals in BDSM costumes and the slogan "No animal takes pleasure in suffering", our campaign calls to mind that in Switzerland, too, countless animals fall victim to abuse.
News 2018

SRG ombudsman supports complaint submitted by TIR regarding a cooking show
December 14, 2018
In October 2018, the Stiftung für das Tier im Recht (TIR) lodged a program complaint with the SRG ombudsman's office for the German-speaking part of Switzerland. TIR criticized the cooking show "David Rocco - Süsse Indien-Küche" (David Rocco - Sweet India Kitchen), which was aired on SRF Zwei and showed live crabs having their claws broken off and their shells removed while fully conscious. The deputy ombudsman supported TIR's complaint in his final report of December 5, 2018.

TIR attended various international animal welfare conferences in 2018
December 12, 2018
This year the Stiftung für das Tier im Recht (TIR) was represented at various international conferences, namely the third Global Animal Law Conference in Hong Kong, the EGALS Conference in Turku, Finland, the CITES Standing Committee meeting in Sochi, Russia, the Animal Law Conference in Chicago, USA, and the Animal Welfare Law conference in Vienna, Austria.

TIR disappointed at rejection of cow horn initiative
November 26, 2018
Despite widespread support for the initiative, it was unable to reach a majority: 54.7 percent of the Swiss electorate rejected the initiative "For the dignity of farm animals". The Stiftung für das Tier im Recht (TIR) is disappointed at the outcome of the vote but sees a positive development in the public debate on the meaning and purpose of cow and goat horns, which has spread far beyond Switzerland's borders, and will continue to support the cause.

Animal welfare-related penal practice 2017: TIR analysis shows substantial differences in enforcement as well as a significant decrease in the number of animal welfare-related criminal proceedings and takes a closer look at animal welfare offenses committed against pigs
November 22, 2018
At a media conference today, the Stiftung für das Tier im Recht (TIR)
presented its comprehensive analysis of the Swiss animal welfare penal practice in 2017. With 1691 cases in the year under review, the number of animal welfare-related criminal proceedings fell significantly for the first time since 2004, which is largely - but not exclusively - due to the abolition of compulsory training courses for dog owners. In this year's analysis, a particular focus was placed on animal welfare provisions governing pig husbandry and the corresponding penal practice. It was found that the well-being and dignity of pigs are hardly given any legal consideration.

TIR supports referendum against the construction of the Ozeanium in Basel
October 22, 2018
On Wednesday, October 17, 2018, the cantonal parliament of Basel-Stadt voted on the construction of the Ozeanium – a large public aquarium as part of the Basel Zoo intended to contain a range of aquatic animal species, its construction planned for 2024 – and granted its approval for the project. From an animal welfare as well as a species and nature conservation point of view, the decision is unacceptable. That is why a referendum will now be held with the support of the Fondation Franz Weber and four other organizations, including the Stiftung für das Tier im Recht (TIR). The citizens of Basel will have the final say.

TIR files criminal complaint against slaughterhouses in Moudon and Avenches
October 15, 2018
The animal rights group "Pour l'Egalité d'Animale (PEA)" published video footage from slaughterhouses in Avenches and Moudon in the canton of Vaud on its website www.abattoirs-suisses.ch. The footage shows serious violations of the Animal Welfare Act. The Stiftung für das Tier im Recht (TIR) has filed a criminal complaint against both companies with the competent public prosecutor's office.

TIR attends meeting of CITES Standing Committee in Sochi, Russia
October 9, 2018
The CITES Standing Committee held its meeting in Sochi, Russia, from October 1 to October 5, 2018. More than 600 representatives of governments and organizations (IGOs and NGOs) discussed the regulation of international trade in endangered animal and plant species. Many animal species are either endangered or at risk of extinction as a result of the growing international trade in live animals and animal products.

How well-meaning volunteers working in Africa unintentionally support dubious animal farms
August 7, 2018
The Stiftung für das Tier im Recht (TIR) has been intensively researching poaching and trade in live animals, hunting trophies, and illegally obtained animal products, with trophy hunting and canned hunting being major topics. Volunteers interested in working in Africa are advised to take special care when selecting projects and to avoid, by all means, farms that offer hunts.

TIR disappointed by the decision of the Federal Supreme Court: The DBT is denied party rights in animal welfare-related criminal proceedings
June 29, 2018
For more than 20 years, the umbrella association of the Bern animal welfare organizations (DBT) has been exercising party rights in animal welfare-related criminal proceedings in Bern, thereby representing the animals' interests. However, in its ruling of June 14, the Federal Supreme Court denied the DBT its status as a public authority and consequently its party rights in animal welfare-related criminal proceedings. The Stiftung für das Tier im Recht (TIR) is disappointed by this decision and deeply regrets to see the Canton of Bern lose an important enforcement tool for animal welfare law.

Fawn killed during mowing works - TIR files criminal complaint for animal cruelty
June 26, 2018
Each year, from mid-April to the end of July, numerous fawns are killed during mowing works. Various television networks reported one specific case, which prompted the Stiftung für das Tier im Recht (TIR) to file a criminal complaint.

TIR supports the (anti) factory farming initiative
June 21, 2018
The popular initiative "End factory farming in Switzerland (Massentierhaltungsinitiative)", launched by an association called Sentience Politics and supported by numerous organizations, was launched in Bern on June 12, 2018. The Stiftung für das Tier im Recht (TIR) supports the initiative's request to abolish factory farming in Switzerland.

TIR disappointed: Council of States relaxes restrictions on wolf hunting
June 15, 2018
In its deliberations of June 13 concerning the federal hunting act, the Council of States agreed with central points made by the Federal Council in its draft, which was in many respects contrary to animal welfare. In terms of the relaxation of restrictions on wolf hunting, the Council of States went even further. The Stiftung für das Tier im Recht (TIR) is following these developments with great concern. It had already made its views clear to the members of the Council of States in a statement prior to its decision.

TIR supports "Stop Live Transport" campaign
June 14, 2018
On today's worldwide "Stop Live Transport" day, animal welfare organizations from all over the world are raising awareness for the enormous suffering of farm animals on long-distance transports.

TIR Petition delivery in Berne: "Mandatory neutering of outdoor cats"
June 12, 2018
More than 115'000 people signed a petition to the Swiss Parliament demanding the introduction of mandatory neutering of outdoor cats in order to curb the excessive reproduction of cats and thus reduce the suffering of cats in Switzerland. The petition sheets will be handed over to parliament at noon today in Berne.

District Court sentences couple to conditional imprisonment for drowning dogs
May 4, 2018
On Thursday, May 3, the District Court of Zofingen sentenced a 38-year-old man to conditional imprisonment of 20 months and a fine of 1000 Swiss francs for drowning his wife's two Miniature Pinschers in the Aare river. His wife also received a conditional sentence of 16 months and a conditional monetary penalty for incitement to animal cruelty. The couple's actions were met with horror throughout Switzerland.

TIR criticizes insufficient legal protection for poultry
March 29, 2018
Around 65 million chickens are raised and slaughtered in Switzerland every year. In addition, the number of eggs consumed by the Swiss reached a new record of 1.51 billion in 2017. Despite these horrendous numbers, the conditions under which the animals are kept and killed are rarely a matter of public concern. Especially in poultry breeding and husbandry as well as in the context of egg production, the worst excesses of livestock farming can be seen. Unfortunately, the authorities responsible for the enforcement of animal welfare legislation also frequently fail to pay the necessary attention to the plight of chickens.

Presentation of petition in Berne: "No wild animals in the circus"
March 13, 2018
More than 70,000 people have signed a petition demanding that the Swiss Federal Council ban wild animals in Swiss circuses. The petition forms were handed over to the Federal Council in Berne today.

TIR files criminal complaint for animal welfare violations in chicken rearing
February 2, 2018
The animal rights organization Tier im Fokus published video material from five Swiss chicken farms this week. The footage shows injured, dying and dead animals that are not adequately looked after, in violation of the legal requirements. The Stiftung für das Tier im Recht (TIR) will file criminal charges against the companies concerned on the basis of the detected infringements.

Label products are to include more protection for fish: First step in the right direction
January 26, 2018
The ASC label stands for responsible fish farming and is meant to ensure a clean conscience when buying fish products. However, animal welfare has so far hardly been taken into account in the ASC standard. The Foundation for Animals in Law (TIR) therefore supported the petition launched by fair-fish for the inclusion of animal welfare criteria. It was handed over to the ASC which has reacted with a positive response.

TIR is a founding member of the professional association "Swiss Association for Animal Welfare Work" (VATS)
January 16, 2018
On December 8, 2017, the Swiss Association for Animal Welfare Work (Verband Arbeitswelt Tierschutz Schweiz, VATS) was founded. VATS is the first association for professionals working in animal welfare. The association was founded by three organizations: Kompanima (www.kompanima.ch), Susy Utzinger Stiftung für Tierschutz (SUST; www.susyutzinger.ch) and the Stiftung für das Tier im Recht (TIR).
News 2017

TIR attends meeting of CITES Standing Committee in Geneva
December 15, 2017
The CITES Standing Committee held its meeting in Geneva from November 27 to December 1, 2017. More than 600 representatives of governments and organizations (IGOs and NGOs) discussed the regulation of international trade in endangered animal and plant species. Many animal species are either endangered or at risk of extinction as a result of the growing international trade in live animals and animal products.

High Court of Zurich convicts pigeon breeder of disregarding animal dignity
December 12, 2017
On December 11, 2017, the High Court of Zurich convicted a pigeon breeder on multiple counts of deliberate animal cruelty. In March 2011, the latter had prepared a so-called "kamikaze pigeon" with the intention of poisoning a bird of prey. The High Court confirmed the accusation of multiple animal cruelty and also significantly increased the sentencing imposed by the court of first instance. The Stiftung für das Tier im Recht (TIR) welcomes the clear signal on the part of the courts that such practices will not be tolerated under any circumstances.

TIR demands an import ban on products obtained by cruelty to animals - Council of States rejects proposal
November 29, 2017
Today, the Council of States rejected the proposal of National Council member Matthias Aebischer (from the SP party/Berne) for an import ban on products obtained by cruelty to animals by 37 to 4 votes. The Stiftung für das Tier im Recht (TIR) is deeply disappointed that so little emphasis is put on animal welfare.

TIR continues successful campaign against animal cruelty
November 23, 2017
In Switzerland, animals still do not get the legal protection they deserve. With the second part of its awareness-raising campaign against animal cruelty, the Stiftung für das Tier im Recht (TIR) wants to call attention to the fact that animal welfare-related offenses are still not being prosecuted consistently. The campaign was yet again designed by the renowned advertising agency Ruf Lanz.

Animal welfare-related penal practice 2016: TIR analysis shows massive differences between the cantons in the prosecution of animal welfare-related offenses and also practically inexistent law enforcement in the field of poultry farming throughout Switzerland
November 16, 2017
At a media conference today, TIR presented its comprehensive analysis of the Swiss animal welfare penal practice in 2016. The number of animal welfare-related criminal proceedings reached a new peak in 2016 with 2397 cases which can be traced back to a significant improvement of the penal system. Nevertheless, there are still large differences between the cantons. This year's report examined in particular the animal welfare regulations on poultry farming and the related penal practice. It turns out that the welfare and dignity of chickens are hardly taken into account on a legal level.

TIR at the world premiere of "Citizen Animal"
September 18, 2017
On September 9, "Citizen Animal" by the German filmmaker Oliver Kyr celebrated its world premiere in Zurich. The documentary explores whether and to what extent animals should be granted civil and other rights. The Stiftung für das Tier im Recht (TIR) is featured in the film and was also present at the premiere.

TIR supports "Stop Live Transport" campaign
September 13, 2017
Today is world "Stop Live Transport" day. Animal welfare organizations from around the world are drawing attention to the immense suffering of animals on long-distance transports.

TIR has published an expert opinion on the permissibility of restrictions on the trade in fur products made using cruel production methods
September 8, 2017
TIR is happy to announce its new publication "Zulässigkeit von Beschränkungen des Handels mit tierquälerisch hergestellten Pelzprodukten" (volume 16) from its series "Schriften zum Tier im Recht". The publication examines whether a ban on the import and/or placing on the market of fur products made by using cruel production methods is consistent with Switzerland's international obligations and how such a ban could be designed and implemented in practice.

Scandalous case of animal cruelty and lack of law enforcement in the canton of Thurgau
August 29, 2017
In late summer of 2017, a severe case of animal cruelty became widely known when an offender with multiple convictions for animal welfare violations and owner of many horses (hereinafter referred to as Mr. U.K.), was once again reported to the police by concerned citizens who had seen dead and emaciated horses on his property. What was particularly shocking was the fact that Mr. U.K. was still keeping well over one hundred horses on his property without any intervention from the authorities despite his multiple previous convictions for animal cruelty and other offenses.

Animal friendly holidays – problematic souvenirs and delicacies
August 10, 2017
Although most people regard animal and species protection as a matter of course back home, they oftentimes unintentionally face this problem when travelling. Not only should animal shows and direct contact with animals be avoided for reasons of animal and species protection; caution is also advised when buying souvenirs.

World Ranger Day on July 31, 2017
July 31, 2017
Today is World Ranger Day, which is dedicated to all rangers who have lost their lives or have been injured during their service. It is a good opportunity for the Stiftung für das Tier im Recht (TIR) to draw attention to those who protect animals and the dangers that their work entails. Two years ago, TIR visited the Anti-Poaching and Tracking Specialists (ATS) in Zimbabwe and was able to gain insight into their work for the protection of rhinos.

Tierimrecht.org now available in English!
March 21, 2017
Animal welfare transcends boundaries. The Stiftung Tier im Recht (TIR) is therefore pleased to announce that it can now also present important contents of its website in English.

TIR campaign wins "Poster of the Year" award again!
March 13, 2017
An awareness-raising campaign by Tier im Recht (TIR) has won the prestigious "Swiss Poster of the Year" award again. Last Thursday, the campaign "Animals as Trash" was selected as the winner in all categories at the APG|SGA Poster Night. Like in 2013, the campaign was once again designed by the creative agency Ruf Lanz.
News 2016

Guest Lecture by Honjo Moe (Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo)
Keys to Understanding Animal Law in Japan – An Analysis of the Most Protected and the Least Protected Animals
December 12, 2016
Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies – Japanese Studies, in collaboration with Protecting the Weak and Tier im Recht (TIR)
Thursday, December 15, 2016, 16:00–18:00
University of Zurich, Room RAA E-29, Rämistrasse 59, 8001 Zurich

Animal Welfare-Related Penal Practice 2015: TIR analysis shows massive discrepancies from one canton to another in the persecution of animal abuse and considerable deficits in the current practice of criminal authorities
November 24, 2016
At a media conference today, TIR presented a comprehensive analysis of the Swiss animal welfare-related penal practice of 2015. With 1998 animal welfare-related proceedings conducted during this period, their number has more than tripled over the last ten years and increased more than fivefold in the last 15 years. This proves that the prosecution of animal abuse cases has improved. However, there are still great cantonal discrepancies and a distinct inequality in the treatment of different animal species. This year's analysis focuses on the violation of elementary principles of criminal law within the criminal justice system

TIR gives a presentation at the international animal welfare conference in Strasbourg
October 24, 2016
The international EGALS conference "Droit et éthique de l'animal", which took place on October 21 and 22 in Strasbourg, was attended by animal welfare lawyers from all over Europe. A four-person delegation represented Tier im Recht (TIR) at the event and gave a presentation on the legal situation of animals for slaughter in Switzerland.

tierimrecht.org with a totally new look!
October 4, 2016
Tier im Recht (TIR) is proud to present its new, completely revised website on today's World Animal Day. The new www.tierimrecht.org is not only much clearer and more user-friendly than its predecessor but also more modern and interactive. Interested individuals can now find out more easily and quickly about the various aspects of legal animal welfare.

Volume 15 of the TIR series on animal dignity protection has been published
September 20, 2016
The Stiftung für das Tier im Recht (TIR) is pleased with the newest publication in its series "Schriften zum Tier im Recht". The book "Animal Dignity Protection in Swiss Law – Status Quo and Future Perspectives" was written by Dr. Gieri Bolliger, executive director of TIR, and is the first comprehensive legal work that has been written in English on the concept of animal dignity in Swiss law.

TIR files complaint against Circus Royal for animal dignity violation
August 10, 2016
This season, the Swiss Circus Royal is presenting a questionable show involving an act with lions. The legally protected dignity of these animals is clearly violated during the show. The Stiftung für das Tier im Recht (TIR) therefore filed a complaint for animal cruelty and demanded an immediate end to the lion act.

Animal welfare organizations demand a Swiss ban on the import and transit of hunting trophies
May 31, 2016
The international EGALS conference "Droit et éthique de l'animal", which took place on October 21 and 22 in Strasbourg, was attended by animal welfare lawyers from all over Europe. A four-person delegation represented Tier im Recht (TIR) at the event and gave a presentation on the legal situation of animals for slaughter in Switzerland

TIR is pleased with the success of Zimbabwe's Rangers
April 28, 2016
The situation is dramatic for rhinos in Africa: in Zimbabwe alone, dozens of these animals are killed every year. Tier im Recht (TIR) is therefore pleased to hear from the Anti-Poaching and Tracking Specialists (ATS) that they have succeeded in capturing a group of poachers who were responsible for the death of countless animals.

Protecting wild animals from poaching – The fight against the illegal wildlife trade
April 20, 2016
The illegal killing of wild animals and the trade involved has assumed alarming proportions and has brought many species to the brink of extinction. In March 2016, the National Assembly called for stricter criminal sanctions against the illegal trade. Tier im Recht (TIR) welcomes this and urges the buyer and transit countries to better meet their responsibilities.

20 Years Tier im Recht – TIR celebrates its anniversary and bestows TIR Animal Law Award for the first time
March 16, 2016
Looking back on its efforts and achievements for the legal protection of animals since 1996, yesterday, Tier im Recht (TIR) celebrated its 20th anniversary and for the first time awarded the international "TIR Animal Law Award" for outstanding achievements in the field of animal welfare law. The first award winner is the Center for Animal Law Studies (CALS) at the Lewis & Clark Law School in Portland (Oregon/USA).

Trophy hunting for endangered species overseas – hunting tourism
March 3, 2016
Since the beginning of the year, Tier im Recht (TIR) has been working on a new project concerning poaching and the trade in live animals, hunting trophies, and illegally obtained animal products. Last year, TIR explored possible solutions to issues associated with animal and species protection in Kenia and Zimbabwe. Trophy hunting is currently a very controversial topic, particularly since the death of Cecil the lion, which led to increased public awareness on the subject.

TIR at the Washington Convention on Protected Species (CITES)
January 21, 2016
The standing committee of the Washington Convention on protected species met from January 11-15, 2016. Around 500 representatives of governments and organizations discussed matters relating to the regulation of the international trade in endangered animal and plant species. Many animal species are endangered or threatened by extinction due to growing international trade in live animals and products thereof.
News 2015

TIR European Scholar LL.M. Award: Unique Scholarship Opportunity for an Animal Law LL.M. Degree in Portland
April 4, 2015
Together with the Center for Animal Law Studies (CALS), the Stiftung für das Tier im Recht (TIR) is pleased to announce the TIR European Scholar LL.M. Award. The award provides up to a 50% reduction on tuition fees for students attending the Animal Law LL.M. program at the Lewis & Clark Law School with the world’s first and only postgraduate law degree focused specifically on animal law.
News 2014
- Animal Welfare in Switzerland - constitutional aim, social commitment and a major challenge
January 9, 2014
Vanessa Gerritsen discusses the Swiss animal welfare law from a constitutional point of view and questions the enforcement of the principles of 'sentient beings' and 'dignity'.
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- TIR campaign against animal cruelty receives Swiss Poster Award for "Poster of the Year"
March 7, 2014
The current TIR campaign against animal cruelty was honored with the Swiss Poster Award at yesterday's APG/SGA Poster Night 2014. The theme "Animal Judges", which was designed by the advertising agency Ruf Lanz, was voted poster of the year 2013 by a jury of professionals, which chose from over 400 submitted posters. The Stiftung für das Tier im Recht (TIR) is proud of this award and congratulates the entire team at Ruf Lanz on the joint success.
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News 2013
- Complaint to the Commission of the European Communities Concerning Failure to Comply with Community Law
March 16, 2013
As far as illegal bird catching with nets and lime sticks is concerned, Community Law in Cyprus is a dead letter. Despite the implementation of the EU Birds Directive in Cyprus' national law 152(1)/2003, wild birds are as unprotected as ever before, because of the inefficient and often legally inadequate actions of police and judicial authorities.
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News 2010
- CAROdog - important work in favor of stray dogs
October 26, 2010
Sick and injured street dogs, unprofessional pet trade, and illegal dog fighting are just some of the important legal questions that are not sufficiently addressed in the European legislation. Several NGOs and European institutions have collaborated to create an informative Website (www.carodog.eu) concerning the health and legal situation of dogs in different European countries.
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- Stiftung für das Tier im Recht at the international congress on responsible dog ownership in Brussels
October 26, 2010
The conference dealing with the difficulties surrounding stray dog populations in southern and eastern Europe took place from October 4 to 5. The Stiftung für das Tier im Recht joins the European project for the benefit of abandoned dogs.
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- The Animal as a Sentient Being - The Stiftung für das Tier im Recht addresses the legal situation in Switzerland
July 21, 2010
ALN World is a US magazine featuring the latest technology, products, and equipment used in animal laboratories. Its current edition contains an article called "The Animal as a Sentient Being" from Helen Kelly, which deals with the legal situation of animal research in several European countries. The article focuses especially on the sentience and dignity of animals.
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- 12th IAHAIO-World Congress in Stockholm – A successful participation for the Stiftung für das Tier im Recht and the Animal Welfare Lawyer of the Canton of Zurich
July 9, 2010
During the 12th World Congress of the International Association of Human-Animal Interaction Organization IAHAIO in Stockholm from July 1 to 4, 2010, Antoine F. Goetschel,the Animal Welfare Lawyer of the Canton of Zurich, and Gieri Bolliger, the Director of the Stiftung für das Tier im Recht, presented their latest update on "The Animals in the Law – A Global Perspective - update 2010".
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News 2009
- Lawyer lends his voice to the animals
January 26, 2009
Antoine Goetschel's job as animal welfare attorney in Zurich is not only unique in Switzerland – it's also a worldwide first.
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News 2007
- 11th IAHAIO - World congress in Tokyo - A successful participation for the Stiftung für das Tier im Recht
October 24, 2007
During the time from October 5 to 8, 2007, Antoine F. Goetschel and Gieri Bolliger represented the “Stiftung für das Tier im Recht” at the 11th world congress of the International Association of Human-Animal Interaction Organization (IAHAIO) in Tokyo. The convention was inaugurated by prince Akishino (Fumihito) and aroused great interest among the media. More than 1200 participants attended this event.
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- Sexuality with Animals (Zoophilia) – an Unrecognized Problem
in Animal Welfare Legislation Report by Gieri Bolliger and Antoine F.
Goetschel, Zurich 2005
June 1, 2007
Sexuality with animals (zoophilia) has always been an element of human culture and it remains a far more widespread phenomenon than generally assumed. While zoophilia was severely penalized on ethical and religious grounds for centuries, the age of enlightenment led to more rational views on this topic and consequently milder punishment until finally the sanctions were lifted in most countries.
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- European Animal Welfare Law Conference in Brussels about "Animal Welfare in Constitutions"
February 19, 2007
On February 1, an international meeting on animal welfare law in the European Union and its member states was held in Brussels. On this occasion, the Stiftung für das Tier im Recht had the honor of speaking about the importance of the introduction of animal welfare on a constitutional level
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News 2006
- A guest lawyer from Switzerland: Antoine F. Goetschel is the featured guest lawyer “Voiceless – The Fund for Animals”
October 15, 2006
Antoine F. Goetschel, the director of the Stiftung für das Tier im Recht, is the featured guest lawyer during the month of October 2006 at the Australian-based organization “Voiceless – The Fund for Animals” and answers questions posed by members.
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News 2005
- NZZ (online edition) of October 4, 2005: Stricter penalties demanded for animal abusers
October 4, 2005
Cruelty against animals needs to be punished more harshly according to animal protection advocates in Switzerland, who say that many cases go unreported.
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- A new worldwide animal welfare project initiated by the Stiftung für das Tier im Recht
February 21, 2005
On October 7, 2004, the Stiftung für das Tier im Recht presented its project “Animals in the Law – a Global Perspective” to a large crowd of interested listeners at the 10th IAHAIO congress in Glasgow.
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News 2004
- Science Rules / Germans Want to Save Animals by Suing Scientists
August 31, 2004
by Martina Habeck
The Scientist, Volume 18, Issue 11 / 55 / June 7, 2004
read on - The Competence of IWC to Conserve Small Cetaceans
April 5, 2004
A report by the Stiftung für das Tier im Recht, CH-Berne/Zurich, elaborated by Dr. iur. Antoine F. Goetschel, Director and Attorney-at-Law supported by ASMS Ocean Care, CH-Wädenswil.
read on - Dolphinariums in Europe from The Viewpoint of Animal Welfare Law
April 5, 2004
Report by the Stiftung für das Tier im Recht drawn up by Dr. iur. Antoine F. Goetschel, director, Zurich, for the attention of the Working Group for the Protection of Marine Mammals, Switzerland (ASMS Ocean Care).
read on - Animal Cloning and Animal Welfare Legislation in Switzerland
April 5, 2004
A Report by the Stiftung für das Tier im Recht, CH-Berne/Zurich, elaborated by Antoine F. Goetschel, JD, Director and Attorney-at-Law for the Symposium at the University of Lueneburg, Germany. January 28 – 30, 2000.
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- Animal Welfare Legislation in Switzerland
April 5, 2004
A Report by the Stiftung für das Tier im Recht, CH-Berne/Zurich, elaborated by Antoine F. Goetschel, JD, Director and Attorney-at-Law. February 10, 2002.
read on - Speech by Antoine F. Goetschel at the Whale Zone 02-Symposium of ASMS Ocean Care
April 5, 2004
The dignity of whales
You whale - me human...
read on - Interview with Antoine F. Goetschel at the Whale Zone 02-Symposium of ASMS Ocean Care
April 5, 2004
Antoine F. Goetschel, director of the “Stiftung für das Tier im Recht”, Berne/Zurich, Switzerland
read on - Curriculum Vitae of Antoine F. Goetschel
March 19, 2004
Antoine F. Goetschel, director of the Stiftung für das Tier im Recht, Bern/Zurich, Switzerland.
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