Petition delivery in Berne: "Mandatory neutering of outdoor cats"
More than 115'000 people signed a petition to the Swiss Parliament demanding the introduction of mandatory neutering of outdoor cats in order to curb the excessive reproduction of cats and thus reduce the suffering of cats in Switzerland. The petition sheets will be handed over to parliament at noon today in Berne.
June 12, 2018
Contrary to popular belief, there is a stray animal problem in Switzerland: the number of stray cats living here is between 100'000 and 300'000. One of the main reasons for this is that cat owners, including farmers, refuse to neuter their outdoor cats, whereupon these animals breed with stray or other unneutered cats. The problem persists despite the fact that the Animal Welfare Ordinance (AWO) requires that animal owners do everything reasonably possible to prevent their animals from reproducing excessively (article 25 paragraph 4 of the AWO). However, it is nearly impossible to keep the mating behavior of outdoor cats under control.
Stray animals suffer terribly. Cats reproduce quickly and form large
colonies, resulting in the rapid spread of diseases. Many animals die in
pain because they do not receive medical care or starve due to lack of
food. Of the excessive reproduction of cats, countless animals are
abandoned or end up in animal shelters. Particularly in rural areas,
unwanted kittens are often drowned or otherwise killed.
This is why, from an animal welfare perspective, it is strongly advisable to refrain from keeping unneutered cats that are allowed to roam around outdoors. Neutering is a proportionate measure in preventing further increase in stray populations, in reducing animal suffering, and in effectively regulating the cat population in Switzerland. The legislation currently in force does not go far enough. This is why the petitioners are calling for the introduction of mandatory neutering for outdoor cats in the Animal Welfare Ordinance and are now hoping that public pressure resulting from the petition will help persuade parliament. So far, 39 members of parliament officially support the request and many more have expressed their interest in it.
Further information:
- Links to more information can be found on the German version of this news release.