11th IAHAIO - World congress in Tokyo - A successful participation for the Stiftung für das Tier im Recht
During the time from October 5 to 8, 2007, Antoine F. Goetschel and Gieri Bolliger represented the “Stiftung für das Tier im Recht” at the 11th world congress of the International Association of Human-Animal Interaction Organization (IAHAIO) in Tokyo. The convention was inaugurated by prince Akishino (Fumihito) and aroused great interest among the media. More than 1200 participants attended this event.
October 24, 2007
The IAHAIO world congress takes place every three years and provides an important platform for experts from all over the world where they can exchange knowledge in matters of the human-animal relationship.
As was the case during previously held congresses, this year, TIR was once again given the chance to contribute its knowledge on the legal issues aspects of theis the human-animal relationship.
In line with their workshop on the topic “ Animals in the Law – A Global Perspective – Update 2007” Antoine F. Goetschel and Gieri Bolliger presented a broad comparative study on the legal recognition of animals in 18 different national regulations. The framework, which was already used in Glasgow in 2004, contains information on 18 crucial questions regarding the relation between human beings and animals. It was expanded during the last three years in order to present a very capacious comparison of those 18 nations to the audience in Tokyo. TIR foundation showcased Swiss law alongside the legal positions of Germany, Austria, France, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Greece, Denmark, UK, Canada, USA, Argentina, Japan, South Korea, China, South Africa, and New Zealand in order to critically compare and review them.
One of the interesting results of this study is that, to some extent, Switzerland does actually have more animal-friendly legal norms than most of the other investigated countries. However, there are still, of course, huge shortcomings in terms of animal welfare law in our country and a lot of improvement still needs to be done.
The presentation of TIR gained a lot of approval and interest from the international audience. In view of the next IAHAIO world congress (which will take place in Stockholm in 2010) the foundationTIR is considering to further expand the study by using and also improving the already existing network of relationships between the different nations.
By working together more closely with the other nations, the
foundationTIR hopes to raise awareness for the differences in the
national introduction of animal welfare into respective national laws
and hopes to improve the status of the animal in the law by working on
stricter legal norms regarding animal welfare.
The results and a full summary of this study can be viewed here. Please
note that despite trying to reflect the legal positions in matters of
animal welfare in the different countries 100 % truthfully, the Stiftung
für das Tier im Recht cannot take legal responsibility for the
correctness of this information.
In line with another workshop
named "A Universal, Natural and Basic Human Right To Have Contact With
Animals?", the foundation’s director Antoine F. Goetschel provided the
groundwork for the request that all human beings should be able and
allowed to keep a pet or at least be generally allowed to have contact
with them. He thereby referred to his knowledge, which he gained back in
1989 while researching for and writing his dissertation about animal
welfare and basic rights.
During this year's congress, the IAHAIO
actually consentaneously adopted a declaration that contains this
request as a basic right worldwide.
Due to the very positive
feedback on their presentation, TIR can proudly say that it is one of
the top institutions regarding animal welfare and has already made some
very important efforts in this field, such as its recent initiative to
request that an official institution of an animal lawyer be introduced
worldwide following the example of the Swiss equivalent in Zurich.