Animal Welfare-Related Penal Practice 2015: TIR analysis shows massive discrepancies from one canton to another in the persecution of animal abuse and considerable deficits in the current practice of criminal authorities
At a media conference today, TIR presented a comprehensive analysis of the Swiss animal welfare-related penal practice of 2015. With 1998 animal welfare-related proceedings conducted during this period, their number has more than tripled over the last ten years and increased more than fivefold in the last 15 years. This proves that the prosecution of animal abuse cases has improved. However, there are still great cantonal discrepancies and a distinct inequality in the treatment of different animal species. This year's analysis focuses on the violation of elementary principles of criminal law within the criminal justice system.
November 24, 2016
A particularly large number of proceedings were recorded in the canton of St. Gallen. It tops the list both in absolute and relative terms with 4.65 proceedings per 10'000 population and lies well above the national average of 2.76. It is the first time that more than 400 proceedings were recorded in the canton of Zurich, which boasts peak values regarding the number of cases over the last three years in proportion to the number of dogs, cattle, horses, pigs, and chickens kept. This can be attributed above all to the structures that have been created for the enforcement of animal welfare law: in Zurich, the police have a special department for animal welfare and environmental protection and the cantonal veterinary office can take part in animal welfare-related criminal proceedings as a party. In St. Gallen, a specialized prosecutor is responsible for animal welfare-related offenses.
In terms of population size, exceedingly few proceedings are conducted in the cantons of Geneva (3 cases; 0.06 proceedings per 10'000 population), Valais (21 cases, 0.63 proceedings per 10'000 population), and Basel-Land (28 cases; 0.99 proceedings per 10'000 population). The number of proceedings in the canton of Schaffhausen dropped significantly in 2015 to 9 cases, respectively, 1.13 proceedings per 10'000 population.
As in previous years, in 2015, dogs were once again most involved in animal welfare-related criminal proceedings (1156 cases). From 2013 to 2015, the number of cases with dogs measured in terms of the number of animals kept was ten times higher than cases with cattle and 37 times higher than those with pigs. However, 13.4 % of the cases with dogs concerned instances where the animals had been insufficiently supervised and not actual animal abuse. Moreover, almost half of the proceedings related to a failure to provide a certificate of competence, which had no direct impact on the dogs' well-being.
The cantons of Aargau and Thurgau impose average fines of 400 Swiss Franks and thus have the highest monetary penalties for violations of animal welfare law. The average fines imposed throughout the country since 2011 amount to 300 Swiss Franks. In 2015, conditional monetary penalties were imposed 176 times for actual animal welfare-related offenses, with an average of 30 daily units; only six unconditional monetary penalties were imposed and not one imprisonment was ordered. In view of the statutory penal framework and the animal suffering that goes with the underlying offenses, the sanctions imposed are still disproportionately low.
In some instances, criminal authorities will flout legal provisions and ignore clear rules of the Animal Welfare Ordinance (AWO) with the grounds that the damage done is insignificant or the corresponding – unlawful – style of husbandry corresponds to practice. Oftentimes, the criminal authorities also struggle to distinguish between cruelty to animals and other violations of the animal welfare legislation. Offenses are thereby played down, which constitutes a non-observance of the relevant legal provisions. As an illustration, a woman who had not provided her sick dog with medical care for such a long time that the animal could no longer stand up on its own and suffered from large wounds at its hip joints and shoulder blades was only convicted for a slight transgression.
In conclusion, there is still a lot of potential for the improvement of animal welfare-related criminal enforcement. The fact that binding legal provisions are being ignored and violations of animal welfare law are not being prosecuted or are being punished with penalties that are far too lenient is inacceptable. In a list of demands, TIR has specified the most important postulates for an effective animal welfare-related penal practice.
You can find this and other information here in the current press kit (in German).
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