South Korean delegation visits TIR
In July, the Foundation for Animals in Law (TIR) welcomed a delegation of official government representatives from the Republic of Korea. The main topics of discussion were the formulation of animal protection law in Switzerland and the corresponding enforcement. Other topics included political animal protection work, training obligations for animal keepers and TIR's awareness-raising campaigns.
July 25, 2023
In an input presentation, TIR lawyer Caroline Mulle familiarised the South Korean guests with the concept and specifics of Swiss animal protection law. The focus was on the enforcement of animal protection law and the legal training requirements for handling animals.
As a follow-up, TIR received positive news: South Korea has decided to ban the breeding and slaughter of dogs for human consumption. Dog meat farms, dog slaughterhouses and the sale of dog meat are to be banned throughout the Republic. Efforts are being made to introduce compulsory courses for dog owners.