TIR thrilled that National Council supports import ban for fur products derived from animal cruelty
At yesterday's National Council meeting, Matthias Aebischer's (SP/BE) motion for an import ban on fur derived from animal cruelty was passed by a large majority. The Stiftung für das Tier im Recht (TIR) was involved in drafting the proposal and has joined other organizations in support of a campaign to promote it. TIR hopes that the Council of States will follow suit and adopt the proposal as well.
December 14, 2021
Currently, Switzerland requires the declaration of fur products. All fur products offered for sale must indicate the animal species from which the fur originates, where the animal lived and how it was kept or hunted. In TIR's opinion, however, simply declaring the animal's origin is not enough. According to Swiss animal welfare law, the fur production methods commonly used abroad constitute clear cruelty to animals. Therefore, furs and fur products obtained by such methods should not be allowed to enter Switzerland at all. An import ban on fur products derived from cruelty to animals is therefore urgently needed. A ban is the only way to prevent domestic demand from promoting forms of fur production abroad that are clearly rejected by a large part of the Swiss population.
TIR supports the motion together with other animal welfare and animal rights organizations as part of the campaign "We Care – We Don't Wear". The resulting petition was handed over to the Parliament last September with more than 42,000 signatures (see news release of September 20, 2021 in German).
TIR is incredibly pleased with the National Council's decision, as it sets a clear signal for animal welfare. TIR hopes that the Council of States will now also vote in favor of the proposal.
Further information
- Media release "Nationalrat will Import von Qualpelzen verbieten" of December 13, 2021 (in German) TIR campaign page "Stop Fur!" (in German)
- TIR se réjouit : le Conseil national se prononce pour l’interdiction d’importation de produits de la pelleterie issus d'animaux maltraités
- Campaign "We Care – We Don't Wear"
- Volume 16 of the TIR publication series "Zulässigkeit von Beschränkungen des Handels mit tierquälerisch hergestellten Pelzprodukten" (regarding the admissibility of trade re-strictions in view of international trade law; in German)
- TIR information flyer no. 51 "Stopp dem Import tierquälerisch erzeugter Pelzprodukte!" (in German; translates to "Stop the import of fur derived from animal cruelty")