Who We Are
The aim of all TIR projects is to improve the human-animal relationship in a legal, ethical, and social sense.
Purpose of the Foundation & Basic Information
Scientific Work
TIR supports and promotes the further development of law and ethics for the protection of animals and in the relationship between humans and animals both on a national and international level. The findings acquired within the scope of the foundation purpose are intended for implementation in jurisprudence and legislation.
Practical Goals
The Stiftung für das Tier im Recht (TIR; Fondation pour l’animal en droit, Foundation for the Animal in the Law) is a charitable, operational, and fully independent non-profit organization. It was founded on December 21, 1995, and registered in the Commercial Register of Bern-Mittelland on March 29, 1996, under the number CH- It is subject to the supervision of the Federal Department of Home Affairs (FDHA).
TIR's head office is located at Spitalgasse 9 in 3001 Berne and its business office at Rigistrasse 9 in 8006 Zurich.
Serious Commitment to Animal Welfare
TIR has been advocating as a politically neutral non-profit-organization for the continuous improvement of the human-animal relationship in a legal, ethical, and social sense since 1996. We are dedicated to helping all animals, irrespective of whether they are pets, farm or working animals, laboratory, wild, or sporting animals. Animals are best helped by a level-headed and objective approach, which is why we are always resolute in our actions but never radical, let alone militant. We pursue realistic goals and work together with authorities and other organizations so that we can achieve more by effectively combining all efforts.
Solid Legislative Proposals for Better Animal Protection
Although animals are of great importance in our society, the existing laws are not providing sufficient and overall protection for them. Furthermore, the enforcement of the applicable provisions leaves much to be desired. We confront these issues by tirelessly working on raising the legal standards to meet high ethical requirements.
For this purpose, we analyze the weaknesses in our legislation and its enforcement and develop practical suggestions for a solid legal basis for animal protection. By working together with politicians, we aim to introduce our suggestions into the legal system.
Database with the Swiss Animal Welfare-Related Penal Practice
With the help of our database, we have achieved transparency in animal-related prosecution practice and persuaded the authorities to take animal cruelty and other animal-related offenses much more seriously than in the past. The number of criminal proceedings has risen significantly and animal abusers are increasingly being called to account. Law enforcement authorities also use the database as a guideline when assessing animal-related infringements
Education and Advanced Training in Animal Welfare Law
Correct and responsible treatment of animals demands profound knowledge of the legislation on the human-animal relationship. We offer educational and further training courses, conveying basic and detailed knowledge to animal owners, authorities, and organizations.
In order to advance scientific work in the field of animal welfare law, we teach regular courses at universities, professional schools and colleges, and other educational institutions. We also maintain a constant dialogue with representatives of other branches of study, such as veterinary medicine, zoology, sociology, theology, ethics, and philosophy in order to promote essential interdisciplinary exchange.
Encouraging/Promoting Future Animal Welfare Specialists
We also support doctoral candidates, students, and pupils during the course of their doctorates, term papers, and diploma theses, by providing professional advice and valuable contacts. In order to spark and encourage enthusiasm in interested students and graduates, we offer short internships, thus providing deeper insight into our day-to-day work, as well as initial experiences in animal welfare law. So far, more than 100 people from Switzerland and abroad have completed an internship at TIR.
Comprehensive Publicity Work
In order to raise public awareness on the great responsibility towards animals, we offer well-founded information on the needs of animals and the respective legal bases for their proper treatment. Apart from legal reference books and expert opinions, we regularly publish informational brochures and articles in the specialized press and daily papers. We also speak at congresses, conferences, and at other events in Switzerland and abroad, referring to various aspects of human-animal relationships. Our objective groundwork makes us a reliable information center for print and online media as well as radio and television.
National & International Cooperation
In a time of growing globalization, worldwide exchange of information has become very important for the further development of animal welfare. For this reason, TIR works closely with various international organizations with the aim of mutually benefiting from experiences, promoting an understanding for national peculiarities, and developing transnational solutions.
TIR is also a member of the German Lawyer's Association for Animal Welfare Law (DJGT), which brings lawyers interested in animal welfare closer together, with the aim of promoting the further development of animal welfare legislation and an effective enforcement of the existing legal regulations. Furthermore, we belong to the European Enforcement Network of Animal Welfare Lawyers and Commissioners and are a part of the EuroGroup for Animal Law Studies (EGALS). TIR also works on implementing international animal welfare projects together with the renowned Center for Animal Law Studies (CALS) at the Lewis & Clark Law School in Portland (Oregon, USA).
Practical Support
Apart from our legal policy work, we offer a wide range of services for the correct treatment of animals. In doing so we are making the relevant basic knowledge generally accessible and raising public awareness for animal welfare. The large amount of objective and practical information is directed at any interested person. We offer reliable support to animal owners, lawyers, enforcement bodies (veterinary services, administrative authorities, police, prosecution and judicial authorities), veterinarians, politicians, media professionals, schools of all levels, and animal welfare organizations or other organizations seeking advice regarding the animal in the law.
Publications on the Animal in the Law
We publish concise and easily comprehensible standard works on the legally correct way to handle animals for specialists and interested laymen. Our practical guidebooks "Tier im Recht transparent (2008)" and "Pferd im Recht transparent" (2015), in particular, have become quite popular. Both publications contain answers to more than 500 legal everyday questions regarding pet keeping and horse husbandry.
In 2011, TIR also launched the book series "Tier im Recht", which makes selected monographs, expert opinions, and scientific papers on legal and ethical aspects of the human-animal relationship accessible to a broad public. The individual volumes contribute to the promotion of scientific discourse and offer academics, students, practitioners, and enforcement authorities an extensive source of information on animal welfare law and ethics.
All TIR publications are available in our shop.
Foundation Library
Being the largest literature collection on the human-animal relationship in the German-speaking area, the library provides practitioners, academics, students, and media professionals with an almost inexhaustible source of information for their work. It also offers a pleasant workspace and is available to all interested individuals for free upon prior appointment. The bibliographical data on most titles can be found online.
Legal Advice
Animal law is a complex and oftentimes overwhelming subject for people without a legal background. We offer valuable assistance in legal matters concerning problems with or because of animals, by providing information over the phone and in writing to private individuals, organizations, authorities, and media professionals seeking advice. Our team of experts answers more than a thousand legal inquiries per year. Answers to the most frequently asked questions can be found online (in German). TIR does not offer legal representations. However, we refer concerned parties to specialists and provide the latter with advisory support on animal welfare issues.
Additional Services
Our aim is to make practical and helpful services and detailed background information on legal and practical animal welfare available across all channels. For example, in our animal welfare lexicon (in German), interested individuals can look up the most important animal welfare-related terms and their legal nature. Numerous links and cross-references make it easier to search for the corresponding animal welfare provisions.
The chapter on the legislation regarding dogs (in German) provides an overview of the current corresponding laws in the 26 Swiss cantons and also on the changes that are being pushed for on a policy level with regard to dangerous dogs. In the chapter on legislative texts, TIR also offers an overview of all other animal-related legal areas and the corresponding provisions according to their latest amendments. In our argumentarium (in German), interested individuals can find information on the positions we have adopted and helpful arguments regarding controversial animal welfare topics.
Current Projects
An overview of our current projects can be found here (in German).