Update on TIR campaign to ban the import of hunting trophies
Following the National Council's adoption of the proposal, TIR hopes the Council of States too will approve the ban on the import of hunting trophies. Tier im Recht (TIR; Foundation for the Animal in the Law) has supported this issue, which is important from both an animal welfare and species protection point of view, by collecting signatures for an open letter to the Council of States since late last year and by recently printing a flyer on the topic.
February 8, 2022
After the motion for a ban on the import and transit of hunting trophies originating from animals protected under CITES, submitted by the former National Councilor Isabelle Chevalley (GLP/VD) in March 2019, was accepted by the National Council, it is now up to the Council of States to decide on the motion. The recommendation of the Science, Education and Culture Committee of the Council of States (SECC-CS) on the acceptance or rejection of the motion expected in early February, but due to time constraints the deliberations were postponed to the next commission meeting. The outcome of the deliberations in the SECC-CS ought to be announced by the beginning of May at the latest.
Our latest flyer contains the most important facts and problems related to trophy hunting. Among other things, it refutes the argument often put forward by proponents of the sport that the income from trophy hunting is used for species protection projects or for the benefit of local communities. In reality, however, the profits mainlygo to foreign operators of hunting safaris or corrupt state employees. For these and other reasons, TIR hopes that the motion will be adopted. We thank you for your support!
More information
- Open letter
- Signature sheet for printout (German / French / Italian)
- TIR-Flyer 57: Nein zum Import von Jagdtrophäen
- Factsheet in German / French
- TIR information on trophy hunting