TIR files complaint against Circus Royal for animal dignity violation
August 10, 2016
An animal's dignity can only be violated when there are substantial grounds to justify this. Keeping and training wild animals in circuses serves the sole purpose of entertaining an audience. There is no way that this can justify the major stress inflicted upon the animals. This applies to all the animals presented in the circus ring and is particularly true for the lions, which are forced to perform unnatural and degrading tricks.
The focus is on demonstrating human dominance over wild animals. First, the trainer uses a whip and a stick to make the lions appear to show aggression and then he switches to patting and scratching the animals, thereby degrading them to cuddly toys with no will of their own.
The lion act at Circus Royal gravely disregards the inherent worth of the lions, while equally humiliating and instrumentalizing them. Therefore, on August 9, TIR filed a detailed criminal complaint with the responsible prosecution office in the canton of St. Gallen and requested an immediate end to the lion act. Last year, TIR had already written and expressed its concerns to Circus Royal, which did not react to the letter.
At the beginning of 2016, TIR launched a petition together with ProTier and Four Paws demanding a long overdue ban on wild animals in circuses (www.keine-wildtiere-im-zirkus.ch). More than 30 countries around the world have already recognized the relevant animal welfare problems and issued bans on all or certain animal species in circuses. It is unacceptable that Switzerland is lagging behind this widespread standard.
Further information (in German):
- TVO from August 10, 2016: Umstrittene Nummer - Tierschützer zeigen Lipperswiler Zirkus Royal an
- Tele Top from August 10, 2016: Tierschützer reichen Strafanzeige gegen Circus Royal ein
- Newsbloggers from August 12, 2016: TIR zeigt Circus Royal wegen Löwennummer an
- Thurgauer Zeitung from August 10, 2016: "Die Löwen sind ein Publikumsmagnet"
- Infoticker from August 10, 2016: Circus Royal - Strafanzeige aufgrund Tierwürdemissachtung
- Neue Zuger Zeitung from August 10,2016: Circus Royal wegen Tierquälerei angezeigt
- Bluewin from August 10, 2016: Circus Royal wegen Tierquälerei angezeigt
- Liechtensteiner Volksblatt from August 10, 2016: Absetzung der Löwennummer gefordert
- Thurgauer Zeitung from August 10, 2016: Tierschützer klagen gegen Circus Royal
- Tagblatt from August 10, 2016: Tierschützer klagen gegen Circus Royal
- 20 Minuten from August 10, 2016: Anzeige wegen Löwen-Nummer des Circus Royal
- Blick from August 10, 2016: Tierschützer fordern Absetzung der Circus-Royal-Löwen-Nummer
- SRF from August 10, 2016: Strafanzeige gegen Circus Royal wegen Löwennummer
- Infoticker from August 10, 2016: Das Märchen der weissen Zirkuslöwen
- FM1Today from August 10, 2016: Löwen werden erniedrigt
- Ticinonline from August 10, 2016: La Fondazione per i diritti degli animali denuncia il Circus Royal
- RSI Radiotelevisione svizzera from August 10, 2016: Basta leoni al circo
- Appenzeller Zeitung from August 10, 2016: Tierschützer klagen gegen Zirkus Royal
- Züriost from August 10, 2016: Wegen Löwen-Nummer: Tierschützer laufen gegen Zirkus Sturm
- Toponline from August 10, 2016: Tierschützer fordern Absetzung der Löwen-Nummer im Circus Royal
- Radio Liechtenstein from August 10, 2016: Stiftung Tier im Recht erstattet Strafanzeige gegen Circus Royal
- Radio 1 News from August 10, 2016: Tierschützer klagen gegen Circus Royal
- Radio Zürisee Nachrichten from August 10, 2016: Tierschützer verklagen Circus Royal wegen Löwennummer
- SRF 1 Regionaljournal Ostschweiz from August 10, 2016: Strafanzeige gegen Circus Royal eingereicht
- Sign Petition: "Keine Wildtiere im Zirkus"