New reference work on the balancing of interests in animal experiments
The Stiftung für das Tier im Recht (TIR; Foundation for the Animal in the Law) is pleased to announce the latest publication in its book series "Schriften zum Tier im Recht" ("Writings on the Animal in the Law"). The outstanding doctoral thesis by Dr. iur. Vanessa Gerritsen, published as volume 23, is comprehensively dedicated to animal experimentation law.
November 16, 2022
The book "Güterabwägung im Tierversuchsbewilligungsverfahren" (book available in German only) presents a comprehensive review of Swiss animal experimentation law and critically examines the strict Swiss legal situation and its current approval practice. The book shows the various weak points in a well-founded manner and offers considerations which, due to the analogous questions, can to a large extent be internationalized.
A very brief summary of the book's content is available in German, French, Italian and English at TIR heartily congratulates its long-time legal employee for her work, which was awarded the highest grade summa cum laude, and is convinced that it will make an important contribution to the enforcement of animal experimentation regulations.