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Titel: Hidden – Animals in the Anthropocene
Autor: McArthur Jo-Anne, Wilson Keith (Hrsg.)
Enthalten in:
Kategorie: Kunst und Literatur
- Film, Foto, Weiteres
ISBN: 978-1590566381
Jahr: 2020
Auflage: 1
Seiten: 304
Signatur: McA - Kunst und Literatur: Film, Foto, Weiteres
Inhalt: An unflinching book of photography about our conflict with non-human animals around the globe, as depicted through the lenses of forty award-winning photojournalists including Aitor Garmendia, Jo-Anne McArthur, and Andrew Skowron. Through the lenses of forty photojournalists, this book shines a light on the invisible animals in our lives; those with whom we have a close relationship and yet fail to see. The stories within its pages are revelatory and brutal. They are proof of the emergency confronting animals globally, from industrial farming to climate change, and provide valuable insight into the relevance of animal suffering to human health. HIDDEN: Animals in the Anthropocene is a historical document, a memorial, and an indictment of what is and should never again be.
A collection of stunning images from some of the world&;s leading photographers of animals in the human environment.
Schlagworte: Art Literature Photos Photojournalism Animals Human-Animal-Relationship Industrial Farming Climate Change Animal Suffering Human Health Animal Experimentation Animals Entertainment Jo-Anne McArthur Collection Images Leading Photographers
Sprache: Englisch / English
Medium: Buch
Verlag: Lantern Books
Status: Verfügbar