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Literature Detail

Title: Captive
Author: McArthur Jo-Anne
contained in:
Category: Kunst und Literatur
- Film, Foto, Weiteres
Place of publication: Brooklyn, NY
Year: 2017
Edition: 1
Pages: 207
Signature: McA - Kunst und Literatur: Film, Foto, Weiteres
Content: In this follow-up to We Animals, Canadian photojournalist Jo-Anne McArthur explores zoos and aquaria, and how we animals interact with those animals. In over one hundred photographs, Captive reveals the lives of animals in zoos and aquaria around the world. McArthur photographed animals in these situations for over a decade, and the book will include images from over 20 countries on five continents, shot most recently in the last year while she was working with The Born Free Foundation in Europe. The book has contributions from Virginia McKenna, co-founder of the Born Free Foundation, philosopher Lori Gruen, and Ron Kagan, CEO of the Detroit Zoo. We're at an important point in history right now. More than ever, ordinary people are thinking about the ethics of keeping animals in captivity for our entertainment. This reflection will help propel us into a new era of (re)considering our relationship with other animals. Captive aims to be a part of these important discussions.
Review: "Jo-Anne McArthur's photographs of haunted and traumatized animals imprisoned for the term of their natural lives for no better reason than that they have a curiosity value for us are infinitely depressing. Taken together they constitute an indictment of the so-called zoological garden to which there is no conceivable reply."

-J.M. Coetzee, author, The Lives of Animals
Key words: Art Literature Photo Photobook Animals Zoo Aquariums Entertainment Conservation Education Orcas SeaWorld Killing Gorilla Harambe English

Kunst Literatur Foto Fotoband Tiere Zoo Aquarien Entertainment Naturschutz Bildung Orcas SeaWorld Tötung Gorilla Harambe Englisch

Language: Englisch / English
Medium: Buch
Publisher: Lantern Books
Status: Verfügbar